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November 29, 2008

MILITARY/BAND JACKETS//they are so cool

Military/band jackets are so cool

-Jimi Hendrix agrees
-Prince agrees
-Adam Ant agrees
-Giovanna Battaglia agrees
-Japanese cool kids agree
-The Beatles agree
-Christophe Decarnin agrees
-John Galliano agrees


In the 'Ultimate Wardrobe' of my mind, I would have an awesome band jacket to wear everyday. The thing is its just not that easy: it is so hard to find an authentic band jacket. Maybe all of the cool ones have already been bought. Almost everytime I look on eBay (and I check all the time) the only ones they have are too big or they have wierd logos on them. One time there was a red band jacket with tails that I was going crazy over and I bid on it, but it ended up going for $$$$$!!

You see the image of the girl from FRUiTs magazine wearing the cut-off jeans and blue admiral jacket? This is such an amazing outfit, I'm obsessed with it! It's an old picture, from like the late nineties I think. I found it a couple of years ago and from then on I've been on the hunt for a jacket just like hers...

I have a Kansai Yamamoto jacket with some military-ish detailing on it that is actually quite amazing but it's not the 'real deal'. I'm talking about actual band-geek jackets.

It makes me wonder too, military/band jackets have a huge pop-culture signifigance right? Just look at my listup there, cool people wear military jackets. Cool people have been wearing military/band jackets for a long time. So why aren't there cool reproduction military/band jackets being made? There are always 'military inspired jackets' out there but I feel like they're pretty half-assed. Why not go crazy with gold tab detailing, stand up collars, tails, and huge buttons?

A little selfish part of me is even reluctant to post this because in the back of my mind I worry that there will be a day that I find the ultimate band jacket on eBay and someone else will see this and snap it up. Haha. But I know I'll find one some day soon.


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Photo of Zori

I wish you luck. I love military jackets, they are so on right now

Photo of Sunset

Love seeing how marching band has such an influence on culture today. Sadly enough though, most of the modern band uniforms (or at least from what I've seen) don't have that kind of super-detailed embroidery and vintage-y gaudiness to them anymore. I know our band used to have super elaborate jackets like that, but we recently updated to more structured and clean jackets, the only source of gaudiness in the sequined band across the chest. So if band suppliers like BandShoppe and McCormick's ever have excess stock... I dare say you can steal one. Or just ask them if they'd sell it to you.

Wow that was a long comment. Anyhow, my favorites are Adam Ant's and Giovvana Battaglia's. And Balmain, duh. Who doesn't love those Balmain jackets.

Photo of Jenny H

love this post.
i have been looking for a jacket like this for foreverrrr.

a jacket like that would be able to make any outfit look incredible.

Photo of holly

my old high school had band jackets (all way to large for me) that were used back when the school had a marching band in the 80s or something... and we found them so our teacher let a few people take them home. because we never wore them.

so perhaps you should check in on some high schools and see if they are going to throw away some old marching band uniforms!

Photo of NG

Balmain's Spring 2009 collection features some cool military/band jackets à la Michael Jackson if you want to take a look

Photo of P@trici@

He comprado una chaqueta de este estilo, me gusta mucho.


Photo of SOS!

i bought a military black wool coat yesterday... they are definitely part of pop culture, from Michael Jackson to the Beatles to SJP. they are definite must have in any wardrobe.
SOS-er fi xx

Photo of BobDylan

Why not just get the Balmain jacket - it's only like 5 thou.

Photo of willow

im loving giovvana battaglia! For me thats the ultimate military/band jacket look.

Photo of Amee

I've been looking for military/band jackets a while too and I do agree..the Ebay ones I've seen just have too many weird logos on them. I was thinking about the 3.1 Phillip Lim, but it is lacking all of that creativity that I need and want. One day you'll find the perfect one Jane!

Photo of Melissa

take a look at this one from Nasty Girl Vintage....

it might be too big, but you never know...


Photo of Juice

My sister got this military jacket from Topshop more than a year ago and I love it to death!

I have my fingers crossed for you and your military jacket! =)


Photo of lux lux

over on this side of the pond, lily cole gets snapped in a FANTASTIC red one, looks so authentic ut is most likely from recent collections.

the high street almost always includes a few (Topshop, im thinking.. check their site, tops.co.uk) but the origins are always given away by an awkward, supposedly 'feminine' cut on what should essentially be a very masculine piece.

just thinking, would customising a boiled-wool guys jacket with brocade, epaulettes and vintage buttons produce a better effect? etsy and ebay= sooo good for old military buttons!!

Photo of enc

I remember seeing this trend a few months ago, and I loved it then. I'm glad it's still going strong.

Photo of Cristina

Hey, I was just visiting some family in South Beach and saw some spectacular band/military jackets. The store is called Follies and is on Lincoln Road. I don't know if you know anyone there, or happen to be visiting soon, but you would love the jackets.

455 Lincoln Rd
Miami Beach, FL 33139
(305) 534-1377

Photo of Jen

Love it. Jimi Hendrix does it best. love him!

Photo of The Stylish Wanderer

I loved Balmain's version.

But I dont understand this:
"A little selfish part of me is even reluctant to post this because in the back of my mind I worry that there will be a day that I find the ultimate band jacket on eBay and someone else will see this and snap it up. Haha. But I know I'll find one some day soon."

I think if someone likes this trend already, I think they would get it, but just because youre posting it, idk...

Photo of onethousandbirds

i have a band jacket my mother bought me on ebay that i absolutely love. it was dated to the 1930's and it was worn by a majorette at louisiana state university.


i'll be sure to let you know if i ever decide to get rid of it ;)

Photo of Hilary

I thought you said a tailor can be your best friend ;) So if you find one not the right size on ebay... I found a few today that if sized down could be pretty cute. You probably already know this but "uniform" or "costume" are some other potential search terms to throw in with "band" or "military" on there.

"SOUTH KITSAP" seems to be selling off their band jackets on ebay but they're mostly white. They do have burgundy and gold detailing though.

Photo of Prêt à Porter P

sometimes i dont want to post things that i covet, esp. if its specific, until AFTER i buy it, because im afraid someone will buy it up before i do!

the band jackets, it's "a lot" for most people, so i guess its why it never come in full force. i know dior did some in spring 2006: http://men.style.com/fashion/collections/S2006MEN/complete/thumb/CDMEN?trend=&page=5

to be honest, it's the one collection of hedi dior that i pretend NEVER happened.

but ive seen that red jacket pop up on ebay before.

Photo of Brigadeiro

My mother made me a band costume/jacket when I was little, not quite as elaborate as the ones you're after (I was probably only 10, haha), but I've always loved it, shame we didn't keep it (not that I'd fit it anyway...)

Photo of Liz

I own a half-assed one... But these ones you've posted are all great!

Photo of mattie

i actually dislike them

Photo of cindy

oh man, i had this really hot band jacket three years ago that i accidentally sort of kind of forgot to give back to my friend. we stopped talking, but my mom made me donate it because she felt bad that i pretty much stole it. i kick myself all the time because of it!

Photo of Becca

i love these jackets too.

Photo of marissa

There was just a post about this on Etsy!
Are you an Etsy fan? It's a handmade/vintage sales community; lots of the sellers feature great vintage pieces I think you would love.

Photo of Carrie

I love your presentation of all of your entries...I am working on a portfolio right now can you tell me what you use to edit all of your photos???

Photo of Natalie

I have been looking for the perfect one for about four years - to no avail!! they're always too big and boxy (and too hard to alter) or ridiculously expensive ... I found one like Hendrix's at a vintage fair earlier this year for $150 ... but it was a hundred years old and completely unwearable. Sad!

Photo of william

Military styled jackets like this are almost a closet staple, like a motorcycle jacket or slim blazer. They really are quite rare, but I'm sure we'll be seeing them available at every price point within a year.

Photo of carlotta

perhaps you should approach a theater company in your area if they are not willing to sell you anything im sure they would be more than happy to point you in the right direction. a company around here sold all of their stock a couple of months ago, unfortunately i didnt get to go but a lady was telling me that they literally had racks and racks of all of these exquisite hand made costumes and vintage clothes(alot of the garments were antique) being sold for next to nothing!!
ahhh how i kick myself!
anyway good luck and happy hunting

Photo of Aria

I found one today on one of my thrifting sprees!!!

Photo of merkovsky

I wrote a post about this last month and I'm glad to hear that someone loves military jackets as much as I do! They're really awesome when they're paired with casual clothes..takes away from the costume-y vibe..

Photo of Linn

I was looking for one two years ago but I never found it ! It's so hard to find one wich is "perfect". But perhaps one day we will have the good Jane :)

Photo of JULIA

I couldn't agree more.

Photo of Marie-Caroline

They have a military/band jacket at Balmain but I think it's expensive (see in french Vogue of july)... xox

Photo of Anika

Not to forget Kanye West and Alexander McQueen agree. :)
I love these jackets, too, it's just so incredibly hard to find one around here.

Photo of Kelsey

Have you considered ordering one from a uniform supplier?
I know our school always gets order books from companies.

Photo of Jasmina

I love Adamn Ant´s style, his mysic videos are so inspiring and crazy :>

Photo of Rodajasss

it's fabulous that military or napoleon jackets are still on trend always,
i was very fortunate to get this jacket from Dior Homme spring 2006, mine is in red, but also exist in black, check it out here:

Photo of Amy Williams

I know what you mean, they are pretty great.
Although, You're Kansai Yamamoto jacket is incredible!! If I had that, I'd wear it to death!


Photo of Ally

Ahhh Adam Ant has been a guilty obsession of mine for a few years now, and that coat. lol. My mom saw what she thought was a military-style coat in a thrift store once, and got it for me... but it was a hotel doorman coat instead. My mom is a bit clueless, but it was cute. Keep trying!

Photo of chantelle

i've been obsessed with military jackets since i was 17. I'm 20 now.
This is a style i refuse to let go.

Photo of Beth

Awww man! There was this lovely white Band Jacket I saw in Bebe years ago that I fell in love with... it was far too expensive, though (I don't remember the cost, just that it was a lot). Then I had one from H & M that didn't fit me at all for a while that I recently got rid of...

but my mom has one from her high school marching band in the basement that's black and has a double breast with a tiger in the centre... it would be the perfect thing to wear with my spankin' new shoes! Too bad she is 150 miles away...

Anyway, good luck!

Photo of dayna

military jackets are AMAZING. I have about 2 or 3 of them throughout my high school years because I did think they were so cool. and they are if you wear them right.

personally, jimi looks best in them. ;)


p.s. I hope you had the time of your life in NY!

Photo of Vi

If you try on a real band uniform, you'd change your mind. But these are pretty cool, I will admit that.

Photo of Francesca

great post, and I agree: military jackets are ALWAYS in style in my book.

Photo of Noah

i agree too!
i once saw one in Amsterdam like a year ago in an amazing thrift-like shop. topdollar, but ó só real.
i called a friend of mine to keep track of the jacket and it was gone after one (!!!) day
i NEED one too..,

Photo of Jeunesse

I got mine from an uncle, who used to play during the early 70s. His daughters (my cousins) decided to sell the junk lying in the attic and I chanced upon this amazing dark blue treasure. He said he completely forgot about it and was a little reluctant to let go of it at first. It was in near-mint condition, except for some minor specks of dirt (nothing a good dry cleaning wont remove). I love it. It had the most amazing gold embroidery and unique gold buttons. I'm so gonna be wearing it in Vegas.

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