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August 24, 2008

Busy with a new puppy!

Meet Shelley, the newest resident in the Sea of Shoes household as of Friday. She's a three month old 'maltipoo' (stupid name, cute breed-its a maltese and poodle mix) and is the cutest tiniest thing you've ever seen. Staci-the hideous orange oversized rat with catfish whiskers you may have glimpsed on Sea of Shoes from time to time-feels very threatened by our designer puppy. To add injury to insult she's been wearing a skunk costume for a good part of this weekend as well. Poor Staci...she's still my favorite dog.

It's really difficult to get a good picture of Shelley because she never stops moving...

See what I mean?

(Never got around to posting the picture I took of the above outfit...here it is)

I'm wearing a J. Crew pleated front cotton shirt, Y-3 skirt, vintage rhinestone necklace, and my mom's Chloe open toe boots.

Sigh...today is officially the last day of summer. Tomorrow is my first day of my junior year and I have to dig my hideous school uniform out of my closet.


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Photo of Chris

Been wanting these shoes forever. You look gorgeous here, and that little maltipoo is adorable!!!

Photo of Chee Ann

Love the shoes! Been looking all over for them. They look great on you!

Photo of tiffany

Cute puppy! I just got a puppy yesterday too. Yay for puppies!

Photo of m

love the boots!
and the cute puppies!

Photo of Tia H

Shelley is adorable! I have a Labradoodle (guess what he's a cross of!) who is a lot bigger that Shelley. Staci's gorgeous to, skunk costume & all! =D
Great outfit! =D

Photo of Legyviel

Congrats on the puppy! Such a cutie! Loving the booties as well. Sigh. I need them like I need air.

Photo of Lisa

so sweet.

shoes + puppy.

Photo of Aurore

Your dogs are lovely! Your look is aslo lovely, romantic as I love!

Photo of Ashley

what an adorable puppy!!!
i have question, how much did your brown marni lucite criss cross heels retail for?? after months of searching the internet, i finally found them somewhere but don't want to overpay (by much). any information you could give me would be HUGE help!! thanks!! xx

Photo of Quynh

Wow...that's kind of amazing that you're my age but has such a great sense of style and not at all like those preppy/punk-shit(this isn't an insult...my friend actually dress this way) kids I see at my school all the time. Cheers!

Awe... I love that doggie outfit! xD

Photo of william shatner
william shatner August 24, 2008 at 02:53 PM

your puppy is cute but i'm a little more taken with your shirt/skirt combo. there's a hint of victoriana then your chloe boots pull the whole look into the 21st century. bravo jane!

Photo of Alex

yeah school starts on tuesday for me...:[ And it stinks that you have to wear uniforms to school, cause your outfits are always brilliant!

Photo of Caroline

i want those shooooooes! uhrg.

Photo of stylecrusader

Why exactly is the dog wearing the skunk costume? haha just curious.

chloe boots are fabbb

Photo of KIm

A reminder from a breeder of pure breed AKC standard poodles, there is no such thing as a labradoodle or a maltipoo or poomaltie or whatever. They are just mixed breeds like any other you can adopt. People place names on these "designer breeds" to make money selling them, and that feeds puppy mills. Please buy from a reputable breeder or adopt a dog that has no home. There is an archive article about designer dogs on the internet at NewYorkTimes.com -

Thanks for your awareness, Kim

Photo of jane

thanks for your concern kim-over the years my family has had about 150+ dogs come through our home, we were active members of the north texas corgi and bullmastiff rescue for a very long time. all of our dogs have come through us
second handed' and when we visited the breeder this weekend we had planned to do the same-there was a puppy that had been attacked by a coyote so badly that its body had been twisted and the owners returned him but this dog turned out to be very male-agressive (not a good thing in our household-we have one other male agressive corgi) and ended up falling for Shelley. if this had not been the case we would have adopted a dog that was truly in need of a home.
i believe that the puppy we had planned on adopting will be going to a new home soon.

Photo of ambika

Adorable puppy! (And outfit.)

Photo of deanna

I'm not much of a small dog lover but these are adorable. Love the Chloe booties as well!

Photo of R

Adorable puppy! I have a pure maltese dog, too old to be classified as a puppy anymore!! Shelley is adorable!!

Devestated you're going back to school and will be in a uniform love checking out yours and the rest of your stylish family's outfit posts!!

Photo of miss_shoes

cute puppies and loooove all your shoes!!! wonderful!!

Photo of Annie Spandex

Cuteness! Good luck at school.

Photo of merkovsky

you should seriously do a post on how you dress up your uniform.

Photo of arline Jernigan

All your dogs are cute.

What I love about how you dress, is that you really wear and appreciate all of your clothes. You seem to really utilize what is in your wardrobe. It is very cool.

Photo of kristin

both of your dogs are so adorable! I love the picture where Shelley is racing around at your feet. have fun back at school!

Photo of mattie

adorable. you reminde me of one of the girls from the movie "picnic at hanging rock,

Photo of hardliquorsoftholes

i love an all white look with the tiniest pop of color from the shoes.

Photo of Clara

Puppies! And I'm headed back to school too (I'm a senior). Good luck to both of us!

Photo of fashionispoison

the puppy is ADORABLE! i might also get a puppy, too but idk how my current dog will take it but my co-worker had a litter of 8 and is desperately looking for homes for them so i don't think i can resist!

Photo of natalia grozina

awh those puppies are cute - and you are too!

Photo of chauss

shelley is adorable. why is staci in costume?

Photo of Enfievre

that puppy is adorable but staci in the skunk costume is killer!!!

Photo of Becca

your puppies are absolutely adorable. I agree with the dorky name (malti-poo??) but the breed itself is quite sweet.

Great outfit and of course, the chloe shoes, how could one not love those?

Photo of Choubelle

What a beautiful outfit! That dress combined with those shoes makes for a fabulous outfit!!! Lovely post.

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